Cheese From Milk (1940 1949)
British Instructional Films presentation. A milk churn is wheeled along. Two women lift the churn and pour the milk into a large trough. Temperature of the milk is tested then a valve turned which produces steam. A graphic illustration shows how the milk is heated. Woman takes thermometer out of the milk and looks at the temperature. The milk is made acid with a starter which is poured through a sieve. An acidity test is performed. Woman sucks some milk up into a pipette then adds another liquid. C, U of her concentrated face as she tests the milk. Rennet is added. Liquid is poured into a large glass tube which stands beside what looks like a jar of cider ( ). This is added to the milk and the milk is stirred. An animated clock shows how many minutes for a soft junket, and how many for firm enough to cut. Woman passes a cutter through the liquid. Another tool like a double sided rake is used to break up the junket. Graphic animation of a thermometer. Woman tests temperature. Wo