How Big is the Architecture in Elden Ring ( Real World Comparisons)
Have you ever wondered how deep does the Siofra Well goes Whether the Shadow Keep is taller than a skyscraper How much turkey could you fry in the Forge of the Giants Credits to MoxieWatts and Banuune for figuring out the connection between Raya Lucaria and the Aachen Cathedral All the measurements have been taken in Smithbox: Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:43 Limgrave 02:31 Underground 06:40 Raya Lucaria Academy 08:48 Leyndell 13:57 Mountaintop of the Giants 15:27 Farum Azula 16:29 Land of Shadow 20:51 Final Dungeon And as always, a very special thanks to my lovely wife for all the support Music: Monster Hunter World To The Next Life Castlevania Lords of Shadow Theatre Horizon Zero Dawn Meridian, Shining Hollow Knight Fungal Wastes Elden Ring Morgott, the Omen King Elden Ring Song of Nomads Elden Ring Fire Giant Horizon Zero Dawn A Boon Nier Automata Alien Manifestation Hollow Knight Reflection