CODA Dance Competition 2023, Group ( Open), DROPOUTS ( Champion)
Proudly presented and organised by One Dance Asia, CODA 2023 is a 4part dance convention that brings together dancers from Singapore and around the world for a weeklong celebration of dance that includes a dance competition, a dance intensive programme, masterclasses and a gala show. CODA Dance Competition is not just a showcase of skill, but a celebration of artistry and passion. Divided into two captivating categories: the Solo category and the Group category. Host: Windy Alexander windyalexander Judges: Ryan Tan Arif Surahman arifsurrahman, Fiona Thng fioyld Lighting: Alex Foo alexfoosl Videography: RP Productions rpprods Photography: Poey poeyyt, acmhphotos, chrawme ODA Team, Helpers: Fredy Kosman fredykosman, Amelia Chong ameliachong, Wenhui Wang lovethekisses, Edina Handali edinahandali, Esther estherying28, Shannon Choo shannnonchoo, Beryl Tay thissoberrr Special thanks: David Ng wackydux, Andrea Lim andreosity, Travis