Planet Side 2: Auraxing the Worst Scout Rifle
I was going for the Black Market weapons directive to get my hands on the Bumblebee Punisher. To my great dismay, I realized I would have to aurax this piece of garbage. The Sesshin basically sacrifices everything for having a higher headshot multiplier. While it is based off the Tomoe (an actual good weapon), the Sesshin is pretty terrible in every situation. It lacks the rate of fire to be good at close range but lacks the velocity to be good at longer ranges. Overall, probably the worst primary weapon I have ever used in PlanetSide 2 but at least I have the Bumblebee now. Song: Fudo March from the Total War: Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai OST by Jeff Van Dyke. Total War Shogun 2, Fall of the Samurai, and the associated assets are property of Sega and Creative Assembly. I hold no ownership over them. This video is recreational in nature so no copyright infringement is intended.