THE HEIGHT OF GOTH: 1984: A Night at the Xclusiv Nightclub: Batley, West Yorkshire UK
A blast from the past. Please note: this film has been rescued from an old mildewedanddamaged VHS cassette tape so the quality in the first few minutes is pretty poor, but it settles down fine just in time for the action inside the club itself The original video was commissioned by the couple who ran the club (Annie and Pete Swallow) and was distributed amongst family, friends and people who frequented it. I can t remember if there was a charge for it at the time thanks to the commenter who told us it was 2, probably was. This is the complete full length video as originally presented EDIT: Big thank you to everyone who has been helping date it we re confident now it is 1984, and most likely September, October time. I know it s a massive long shot but if anyone knows the actual date that would be brilliant, for posterity and all that And yes, I do have a personal reason for putting this online but, I m not going to tell you what that is; ) Enjoy