Pat Metheny Inspired Synth Tones with the Line 6 Helix and HX Stomp
File this under weird noises for five watt world. For a while I ve been experimenting with using Jam Origin Midi Guitar to add some horn textures to my lead tone. I decided to try and coax something out of the Helix, HX Stomp using the SynthoMatic legacy synth. Might get you in the ballpark of this type of thing I m blending in my actual guitar tone too. I think Alex Price will have done something on this topic too go check him out get my backing tracks here if you like what I do and only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee This preset is Dual Jazz Pat 3. I ve decided to make it possible to grab both my Helix, HX Stomp bundles (the expression bundle with freeze presets has always been separate) together for 5 I will then email you a link to both bundles You can get my EXPRESSION patches in this bundle using this li