Narcissist s Father: Daddy Issues Typology
Formation of narcissism entirely up to mother (see From Child to Narcissist playlist: ) Father affects the manifestations (expression) of the pathology: Dead father (collapsed, narcissistic, absentneglectful, frustrating, depressive, inadequate) Shameful, failure, loser father Intermittent, splitting, approachavoidant, bipolar father (selfworth lability) Antisocialentitled father Fantasyprone father Harsh, critical, rejecting father (peoplepleaser, codependent, covert, inverted) Unjustsadistic father (contumaciousness, defiance) Dysregulated father Incestuous father Parentifying father Instrumentalizing father Pedestalizing father (impaired reality testing, grandiosity) Submissive, codependent, covertinverted father WATCH Daddy Issues: Daddy s Girl, Mamas Boy, Father Complex WATCH Narcissist and Victim: Daddy or Mommy Issues You His Mommy, He Your Daddy: Narcissists Mixed Signals Find and Buy MOST of my BOOKS and eBOOKS in my Amazon Store: