Alison Wonderland New Day ( Official Video)
Stream or download New Day by Alison Wonderland here: Get the album Loner by Alison Wonderland here: Follow Alison Wonderland here: Directed by Peter Don (donslens) Produced by Satien Mehta + Ariyan Mehta (SatienMehta) DP Brian Beckwith (bbthedp) AC Majd Mazin (majdm) Key Grip Ronnie Gotch (ronniegotch) DIT Jonathan Viera (jonathanjvieira) MUA Morgan Andersen Hair Desiree Gibbs Stylist Lyn Alyson Art Li Lui (lilill) PA Arielle Cubero VFX Supervisor Sergii Mashevskyi Edit + Color by Digital Sword VFX Cameo FX (cameofx) Production Company Drive Intl Agency (driveintlagency) Cast Villain + Horse Wrangler Darrell Keith Michelle Kelly Stylist + Villain Lex Cabral Martial Artist Ekaterina Tcyganova (martialkat) Hero Lamont Clayton Lyrics: Giving you my best I know I got problems but Im making all the bets Im better than the rest Got those shiny diamonds in