Massive update on Materials System for Blender now works with Cycles
Table of Contents 00:00 Start 00:07 Introduction 00:38 Optimized Materials able to render in Eevee or Cycles 01:30 Spotlight on some of the new Materials included 02:16 Creating a demo object with KitOps 04:32 How well the Materials now render in Cycles 04:52 How to Apply Materials with KitOps FREE, PRO 05:14 Review of the Material KPACKS starting with your soon to be new favorites: cwAdv Super Dirty: (1) Dirty Paint, (2) Panels, (3) Super Dirty, (4) Worn Steel 07:53 No need to UV unwrap with a shader based ability to Bevel in Cycles 09:25 Applying Decals and modifying them 12:15 cwDisplace 12:28 cwEmissive, which includes INSERTS that act as Lights, with two GOBOS also included 14:31 cwGlass, e. g., cwglassuniverse, better than vanilla Glass 16:00 cwikOther, special real world Material captures, e. g., ikconcrete04, ikstone01 16:50 cwMetal, all accurate PBR settings, Updated 17:28 cwPlasticPaint, using Mold Tech patterns 18:19 cwStone 18 br, br,