Axl Rose after show in Basel 2012 PART 1 of 2
For more than 20 minutes, Axl was giving autographs (even on an girls breast), entertaining us with funny stories and agreed for photos with each and every fan. He treated everybody with friendliness at 4. 30 a. m., after the show in Basel, Switzerland. Hope, it is o. k. to post this video, even though it was a quite intimate setup. One of the many things Axl told us this night, was, that his dream is to become a tattoo artist. And he said, that all of us should stick to our dreams and make it come true One thing is for sure: this morning at 4. 30 a. m. a dream for a small group of GNRfans came true Thank you very much Axl. All the best to you, the guys of Guns NRoses and the crew br, br,