Restoration of Yezdi D250 Classic, Yezdi Original Factory Look , Yezdi Stock My 1983 Yezdi, yezdi
Jawa established in 1929 started selling its motorcycles in India under an Indian Company named Ideal Jawa based in Mysore which was established in 1960. The brandname was changed from Jawa to Yezdi in the year 1973 having a tagline Forever Bike, Forever Value. The production continued till 1996 until the company got shutdown. This is a 1983 model and has an integrated gear shifter, kickstarter which was and still is a unique feature of this motorcycle. Its a single cylinder dual silencer 250 CC machine. It has its meter wire connected to the rear wheel which is also different from all other motorcycles. The handlebar was an aftermarket one when I bought this motorcycle later to restore it back to the original handle which has Yokes attached to the handlebar itself. The carburetor comes from pacco with a tickler type choke. The ignition key of the motorcycle have 4 positions which includes switching on and off the headlights, speedometer lights, rear lights. The 4th position had one featur