Alen Dermarderossian Samurai Cop Main Title Extended by Gilles Nuytens
Alen Dermarderossian Samurai Cop Main Title Extended Remastered by Gilles Nuytens So, this was just a little guilty Samurai Cop is a movie that is actually so terrible that it s actually hilarious to watch. The dialogues are so cheesy and terrible that you can t not laugh (some of the lines became cult in the genre. The famous nurse Not speaking of the special effects with ketchup blood scenes edited with an axe. It s like a parody except it was not intended to be a parody. I tried to remaster the sound but it was very damaged, so it contributes to the whole thing. So, this is an extended version of the Main Titles of the movie Samurai Cop (1991) by Alen Dermarderossian. Check also my other extended mixes: Legal notes: I do not own this music All rights remain to Alen Dermarderossian. If you are the owner of the rights and want this to be removed, please ask before doing anything harmful. Remember that we are humans, not machines.