Anna B Savage The Ghost Say My Name, A Take Away Show
AnnaBSavage performs The Ghost Say My Name from her latest album inFLUX out on CitySlang. Shot at Square des Batignolles and French Touche Shop, Paris, December 2022 Saying that Anna B Savage is inhabited by her songs clearly would be an understatement. They are the ones who run the show, who go through her and impose their mark on her. Listen to her catching her breath on The Ghost, not holding back tears on the incredible Say My Name. You almost get the sensation that she is fighting against something stronger than herself. To watch her sing is to witness an art that comes from the deepest place and is delivered as harsh, sincere and powerful as can be. Directed by Aelred Nils Sound direction by Félix Pozzo Sound assistant: Anna Mengelle Artistic coordination by Christophe Chryde Abric Production and artistic coordination by Caroline Fauvel Postproduction: Audry Elisa Duparc, Eloïse Therond