One Big Band, Coldplay Megamix Fan Cover
Back in mid 2020, a fellow Coldplay fan reached out to me with a monumental and brilliant idea inspired by the wonderful Coldplay At Home project He wanted to cover the Coldplay Megamix in its entirety This would involve recreating everything from the vocals to all the instrument you hear in the mashup. With help from over 30 other fans and after many hours of organizing, recording and editing, we are happy to share the final product. We hope you enjoy DIRECTED EDITED BY Matias shhivering Kyle coldplaykb CONCEPTED PRODUCED BY Matias shhivering AUDIO EDITING, MIXING BY Mark MaoMao27 Emanuel planetacoldplay INTRO MUSIC BY Ethan cacoldplayer ORIGINAL MIX BY InanimateMashups Inanimash VOCALS Agustin AgusNievas98 Jeff aseparatesky Tuğçe TugiInTown Eddie Co Coldfishplay Ian ianpig98 Matias shhivering Emanuel planetacoldplay Cande Sanchez candesanchez2 Samantha snvanhoozer Leo Delgado LeoDelgadoR Pr