The Death Killers The Death Killers (1994) Full Album
From the WFMU archives: Hardly anything is known about this cassette except that it s rectangular. The Death Killers is a brother, sister duo. A six year old vocalist and lyricist, who also named the band, and her thirteen ( ) year old brother providing the music. Thanks to Otis, WFMU, and Ubu for bringing us this year s 365 Days 1. Ill Be Your Death 0:00 2. Death Killers 2:17 3. Yo Mama 4:35 4. Your Mother Is Dead (She Lives In Your Head) 5:03 5. Homer Simpson 6:03 6. Roccos Modern Life 8:13 7. If I Saw What You Saw 10:53 8. There Aint No Boogers (In This, Bud) 11:49 9. I Do 13:40 10. Why Does The Purple Dog Sing 16:11 11. Why Do Kids Always Ask Those Stupid Questions 18:32 12. I Hate When You Do This To Me 20:19 13. Rockin Rally 22:32 14. You Always Walk Right Out That Door 23:11 15. What Did The Purple Dog Say 25:36 16. Walkie Talk Dog 27:37 17. Junior John 28:53