Before Nine Inch Nails: How Industrial Became Pop, Einstürzende Neubauten, Clock DVA, Cabaret Voltaire, Throbbing Gristle, Daniel Miller, Ministry, Nitzer Ebb, DAF
00:00 Introduction 00:44 Musique Concrete, Tape Loops Noise 04:09 1977 Punks, David Lynch Metall Auf Metall 06:48 Daniel Miller, The Normal Mute 08:08 Throbbing Gristle The Birth of Industrial 11:20 Nurse With Wound Whitehouse 13:36 Cabaret Voltaire Clock DVA 16:48 PostPunk Fusing With Industrial 19:05 DAF 20:58 Einstürzende Neubauten 23:54 Some Bizarre Records 28:16 Depeche Mode Industrial in the Charts 30:39 Skinny Puppy ElectroIndustrial 33:11 Industrial GoingsOn Elsewhere 37:30 Nitzer Ebb Electronic Body Music 38:58 The Beginnings of Industrial HipHop 42:20 Ministry Wax Trax Records 46:31 Nine Inch Nails Industrial Becoming Pop