Equilibrium Blut im Auge ( Blood in the eye)
What I saw on my journey seems too true to tell about therefore I ll try my way to take you there with me When I once on dark paths far from here in northern land saw, what stole my breath, what I never knew before Blood in the eye on wounded knees I fell down I saw her So I decided to stay there what I saw kept my mind to discover her secret the night was lost for me Day by day in grey rain I seached the view again was addicted to this magic I ve seen before Blood in the eye on wounded knees I fell down I saw her Left behind the gates of town climbed up into icy height stoms and thunderlashes tried to put me down saw into waterfalls behind bushes, birches restless views, grey waves where may she be Sleepless, restless I seach. .. Soundless, noise, she doesn t hear me. .. Over rocks, mountains, moorland, bushes, thornes, darkness, I search for her by night, seach the glowing heavenlight. ..