My trip to Dagestan. Dagestanian wedding
00:00 intro 00:50 dagestanian wedding 1:25 chechens laugh 2:22 difference between russian and dagestanian weddings 3:00 wedding of bribe 3:50 dagestanian food 4:20 alcohol in dagestan 5:00 what muslims think about drunk people 5:30 wedding night 6:00 why muslims are beautiful 6:30 why muslims are machos 7:50 what is in fashion in dagestan 9:00 how to dress for wedding 9:20 how many languages in dagestan 9:50 position of parents 10:30 brotherhood in dagestan 10:40 swearwords in dagestan 10:50 karaoke in dagestan 12:00 wedding of groom 12:30 dividing of guests by gender and religion 13:30 covid in dagestan 13:40 women in dagestan 14:50 mutual judgment of people 16:00 what is the most important in dagestan 16:15 science and education on kavcaz 17:00 cigarrets in dagestan 17:10 professions in dagestan 17:30 personal life of women 18:10 cliche in dagestan 18:20 LGBT in dagestan 19:50 economy 20:00 tourism in dagestan