Father John Misty Goodbye Mr. Blue Official Music Video
Father John Misty s new single, Goodbye Mr. Blue, from the upcoming album, Chloë and The Next 20th Century, out April 8th, 2022 on Sub Pop and Bella Union. Preorder on Deluxe vinyl, CD, and cassette: Presave and listen to Goodbye Mr. Blue : Chepan mountain is a rocky hump 1186 metres high about 47 kilometres northwest of Sofia. Its southern face overlooks the largest wetland in Bulgaria, the Dragoman Marsh. A furlong from the edge of the marsh, a circular gully about 50 metres in diameter was gouged out of the foot of the mountain by heavy machinery at some time in September 2016, according to satellite data. No one has explained who made the excavation or why, but its sandy walls and proximity to the marsh have provided an ideal home for the regions most colourful coraciiform, the European BeeEater (Merops apiaster). Contrary to local folklore, the species is typically monogamous only during a nesting season, and will often find a new mate eac