Draco Malfoy, Everybodys Fool
OMG So Guys Guess What haha I m a Dummy and Spelled DRACO Wrong I Put Darco have been real caught up with the Vid Cough (I Just suck at spelling LOL) Sorry haha But Hope You Enjoy anyways and ignore my stupidity :P A Basic character Study Of Draco Malfoy with an AU twist. I m Sure we all get Dracos mission in HBP and all the pain he goes through. The AU twist Is hermione, He finds he can trust her but her Loyality is with Harry and that makes darco feel betrayed. theres no real explaination You just Gotta Watch lol and you can take the story line anyway you like. :) Okay So Yesterday i Woke up an i Just had to do a Draco vid Then i Thought Ooo My Sister (gaby0189) Loves Draco So why not Dedicate this to her as an early Bday Present haha One month early But Whatever. I tired keeping it a seccret but its kinda hard when you live in the same House lol SHE ENDED UP SEEING Boo haha No, But Yeah the song fit draco but it involved a girl and br, br,