Tutorial: How to File the Edge off a Mac Book Pro
The complete story behind this video can be found at Follow me on Twitter for notifications of new releases: Oh, for all those who are worried about removing the anodized finish, don t. I did this 6 months ago, and there is no black stuff or any other sort of residual. (AKA My sleeves aren t dirty. ) The people claiming that this will remove the anodized finish and make your laptop look bad are, quite frankly, talking out their ass. Or they are idiots. Either way, they are wrong. Folks I m a trained welder, blacksmith and bladesmith. I ve got hunks of aluminum in my garage that I machine on my milling machine, cut on my CNC plasma cutting machine, and weld on my big ass Lincoln TIG welder. In other words, I m experienced at working with Aluminum. This tiny amount of area is not going to get exposed to a harsh environment because your laptop can t take it Plus, the oil from your br, br,