Ladies, If You Shave Your Pubic Hair, See This
CLICK HERE To Get Learn More about All Medicinal Plants and Lost Cures of North America Ladies, If You Shave Your Pubic Hair, See This 1. Helps In Body Temperature Regulation. The hair you have on your body has always helped in regulating your body temperature. Your pubic hair has pretty much the same function and the follicles in this region aid in the process of sweating. This happens as each hair follicle has a sebaceous gland underneath it. This gland is responsible for releasing the bodys naturally produced oils into hair strands. This oil then travels up to the skin surface with the help of the hair, where it gradually evaporates and thereby keeps the skin cool. 2. Pubic Hair Is Protective. Reason number 2 for not shaving your pubes is because they act as a protective shield between your genitals, diseasecausing bacteria and other pathogens. By shaving them off, you basically expose yourself to potential health problems br, br,