Types of Landforms, Learn about many different natural features of the earth
Do you know what an alluvial fan is How about a plateau In this video for kids, you will learn all about lots of different types of landforms. These natural features include mountains, hills, valleys, alluvial fans, and plateaus, and so many more. Keep watching to see how much you know and how much you can learn Let s start with an alluvial fan. This is a fanshaped mass of alluvial, a type of clay sediment that forms as the flow of a river slows down. Similarly, other landforms are shaped by nature, too. Sometimes it can take thousands or millions of years for a landform to develop. And landforms comprise lots of different types of materials. Fossils, sediments, and lava from volcanoes all contribute to the creation of various landforms. There are around 10 main types of landforms on Earth. These include mountains, valleys, islands, coasts, deserts, rivers, and oceans. This video goes into each of these types. Mountains, for instance, all have peaks at the top. The Himalayas are the