LARGEST Warhammer 40k Apocalypse Battle EVER 300, 000 Points
I spent 60 hours playing one board game. Over 10, 000 miniatures were used. My goal with this video is to reach new audiences and invite them into the wargaming community. It is not a requirement to know Warhammer rules to enjoy this video. My dad watched it (hes 72) and he could follow it. Hes not a wargamer. If you know someone youd like to introduce to the hobby and game that is Warhammer then this is a great video to show them. Theyll feel the magic and fun thats generated when we allow ourselves to unleash our inner child. Over 6 months in the making. Its the most ambitious project Ive ever done Im so proud to present it to you. I feel like a kindergarten kid in school whos really excited about show and tell. Im absolutely stoked to show you this film that represents the fun that is had in the wargaming community. This has never been done before and I have the oldman pains to prove it. What youre seeing right now is an actual game that people play. Crazy rig