Супер Я Слоу Гениально Шерлок ищет жертв Доктора :))
Cracking the code by PostHaste Music, , Doctor Who Sherlock (BBC) After strange events start happening across London, Sherlock and John soon find out that a certain Time Lord is the key to all of them. But that is just the tip of the This is my attempt at making a Sherlock, Doctor Who crossover. It was originally supposed to be a vid, but in the end I went with a trailer because I found out I had way too many audio clips I wanted to use. This was SUCH a tough trailer to make There were so many little manips that I wanted to and I m sure that most people won t notice not even half of them But they re darn tough to make. But then there were the audio clips and the scenes, and the story kept changing with each clip I added to the timeline. In the end I suppose it became my own personal version of The End of Time. well, how awesome would that be I called it A Study in Time because I suck at picking