KISS Live at Tiger Stadium 1996 ( Full Concert)
Second KISS concert during their Alive, Worldwide Tour (aka Reunion Tour) took place at Tiger Stadium in Detroit, Michigan, on June 28th, 1996. Setlist: 0:26 Deuce 4:48 King of the Night Time World 8:49 Do You Love Me 13:15 Calling Dr Love 17:03 Cold Gin 23:35 Christine Sixteen 26:57 Love Gun 31:34 Shout It Out Loud 34:36 Watchin You 38:25 Firehouse 43:00 Strutter 46:45 Shock Me 51:16 Ace guitar solo 59:17 Rock Bottom 1:03:35 Gene bass solo spitting blood 1:06:10 God of Thunder (Peter drum solo from 1:09:06 to 1:15:22) 1:17:02 Let Me Go, Rock and Roll 1:22:25 100, 000 Years 1:27:52 Rock and Roll All Nite Detroit Rock City, Beth and Black Diamond were performed live but unfortunately weren t recorded for official DVD release for unknown to me reasons. You can only find amateur footages in YouTube of these 3 songs. KISS played in original lineup: Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss. This video contains 4:3 image ratio as it was originally recor