SFM Nemesis Prime Is Packin Heat
Felicitations True Believers Guess Who s Back, Back Again, Zaxs is Back, Tell A Friend, Or whatever idk. Now I know it s been quite a while since I ve uploaded, and Blahddy, Blah, Blah, You know the drill by now. We ll see how quickly I can post the next video then have a toast for it. But apart from that, Hope Ya ll have been Enjoying your Week So Far And i hope you enjoy this New Cartoon as well Special thanks to my friends TheLuckyDerp, Flyingblu123, and TheaSolone for providing their voices for this Short Cartoon once again Be sure to check Them out on their Socials Also with another special thanks to Akugao220 TheLuckyDerp And auditect950 and WKAC for supplying me with the Transformers Devastation, WFC models and Sound Effects To use in the first place to Make this little number Possible Cast: Bumblebee, Steve, Vehicons Voiced By: Carlo Serrano