Loretta Lynn Aint No Time To Go ( Official Music Video)
Wouldnt It Be Great Buy, Listen About the album: Wouldnt It Be Great, the eagerlyawaited new studio album from Loretta Lynn, is one of the most deeply personal projects of her career. Originally scheduled to be released in August 2017, this album was put on hold as Loretta worked through recovering from a stroke she suffered in May 2017. An exploration of Loretta s songwriting, Wouldn t It Be Great finds her sharing the universality of human experience love in all its intoxication and heartbreak, the abiding things of soul and spirit, the transformative power of music and connecting to the world. Comprised entirely of songs written or cowritten by Loretta, the album premieres new compositions alongside select soulful reinterpretations of staples from her catalog and immortal classics. Wouldnt It Be Great communicates the hard truths and spiritual insights Loretta has gathered throughout her life and reflects the resilience br, br,