Ernie Ball Music Man: John Petrucci Awaken The Master 8 String Majesty Demo
Watch as John Petrucci demos his new track Awaken The Master on his Ernie Ball Music Man Signature Majesty 8String. The track comes from Dream Theater s latest album A View From the Top of the World. Order the album here: Learn more about the Majesty 8String here: The Majesty 8 will be available in a limited quantity of only 100 pieces worldwide and offered in the original Mystic Dream signature finish. The Majesty 8 string features a nontremolo mahogany neckthroughbody with basswood wings and ebony fretboard. The new multiscale fretboard features 24 stainless steel frets and measures 27 on the bass side with a standard scale length of on the treble side. This multiscale design allows for a longer string length providing a comfortable amount of tension on the bass strings, with a traditional feel on the treble side for fluid string bends and solos. The electronics package includes a 3way selector switch with