Deftones Genesis live Brooklyn 2023
Music Hall of Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY USA March 2, 2023 Offtour merchandising promotional performance Genesis Ohms (2020) kohai, andrewokano, Anthony Yacobellis, Artyom, , Caitlin Berger, Christina Marie, CUTNOSEPACO, Demon Hunter, Eni Ramaliu, Eve Marie Kuijstermans, iamtheroar, itslxren, Javier Hernandez, John Montiel, lindseymgardner, Lise Nox, Martin V, Smshn Pmpkn, thedevilwearsdilara, Tyler Adams at Wolfchild Production, webementallyill Outro: Jordan Falzon, theataraxian bootswallace VIDEO EDITING AnAnonymousIdiot EDITING ASSITANT Daniel Koetter SOUND MIXING Benjaming Helm DeftonesLive FB: DeftonesLive IG: Deftones The official website: