One Life by the pillows. Возможно, лучшая из всех lovesongs, что мне довелось слышать
If the blue poppy s petals sway without any wind It s all because of my sigh I don t know for sure, but it s gotta be Wrapped up in the darkness of every day, chained by my freedom The dreams we had together were so bright, I couldn t look myself right in the face anymore There s only one thing my dirty mirror reflects A light that s no you are my light A snail pulls off his twisted armor and goes out on a journey Getting struck by the rain wears me out, but I m not turning back Once again, I ve been spit out from a towncolored mirage I d like to just laugh it off and make the excuse That it s all because my toes are too big, and they got in the way And I just wanna hide them away, and yet No matter what kind of shoes I wear, if I walk, I leave footprints And until one day they stop, theyre the proof that I got that life Repeat Some day, all those memories we can t touch, we ll lose them But even if you leave no shape you are my light Repeat