The Legend of Dragoon: Intro 4 K ( Restored with AI, Machine Learning and Neural Network)
This is the Legend of Dragoon first Cutscene of Disc 1, restored to 4K with AI, it honestly took me more than 150 hours of try and error, and learning to use the programs plus the already long time this programs take to work their magic. For those interested the OG Intro was taken from the Disc itself, and it was only a Video of 320x192 so yeah restoring something like that to 4K it s way above and increase of 1000 in Resolution. Regardless of that I m a big fan of the Legend of Dragoon and grow up playing the game so I decided to try and put my part for those that also love the game like me. I also plan to keep restoring all the cutscenes of the game (even the minor ones. ) However and given how time consuming this is I don t have an estimated time for that. If you like what I do here, consider liking the video and sharing it as much as possible as that helps growing the channel, Also if you like what I do you might want to consider supporting me on Patreon. , TheLegendofDragoon, 4K, AI