HELLO Harry Potter Book of Mormon Parody
DOWNLOAD: Like me on facebook: Follow me on twitter: tessanetting I am proud to say I did this whole video myself wrote the parody song, sung all the voices, created all the costumes, played all the characters, and edited the video. It s my masterpiece. If you like this vid PASS IT ON through social media to share the love of HP and B way All is well. Tessa Netting LYRICS: Hermione: Hello, I m Hermione Granger. And I would like to share with you the most amazing book. Ron: Hello, my name is Ronald Weasley. Hermione: Ron Ron: It s a book with me and my best friend a long, long time ago. Hermione: This book has seven different parts. You simply won t believe how much this Ron: Can change your life Harry: Hermione and Ron: Harry Harry: I am the chosen would lik br, br,