Anatomy Trains: The Superficial Back Line
The Anatomy Trains are fascial and myofascial connections throughout the body, giving you the ability to view the body as a chain influencing each of its components. Based on our animations, Tom Myers from Anatomy Trains recorded a detailed explanation about each line, and today is about the Superficial Back Line, aka the SBL. The Superficial Back Line Starts at the back of the head down to the bottom of the toes. It s involved in our daytoday actions and has a strong postural role in our bodies. With this knowledge, youd be able to both focus and isolate one point of the chain or work on it as a whole. Dig deeper, become a movement expert. Thanks to Anatomy Trains for this awesome cooperation For more videos, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on YouTube at the link below and dont forget to turn on notifications so you never miss one. WANT EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS NOT FOUND ON YOUTUBE Try Muscle and Motions apps today on all