Hamelin plays Hamelin Paganini Variations PREMIERE LIVE HD
Watch in Full HD 1080 At long last One of the best days in my life. EVER. I cannot even express how MarcAndré s concert overwhelmed me with ecstatic glee. MarcAndré Hamelin finally visited Moscow. As we know, he celebrated his semicentenary in 2011. That s why on the 10th of December world s most vigorous and talented young pianists prepared a concert dedicated to the great Maestro. I recorded the WHOLE concert and it will be uploaded here soon This is my bonus to all YouTube pianophiles éxtraordinaires his Russian première performance of Paganini Variations. The Omnipotent himself writes: The nature of my Paganini Variations is such that writing anything about them would inevitably spoil the fun and give many things away. I will only say, quite confidently, that if one looks at the many works that have used Paganini s twentyfourth Caprice over the years, this one definitely, for better or worse, breaks the mold I had great pleasure in br, br,