Karma: The Dark World, Hope Summer Game Fest Trailer
Delve into the world of KARMA: The Dark World and meet the Leviathan Corporation and their Bureau of Thought. Releasing as two parts, each trailer is a mirror inverse of the other. Leviathan claims to have your best interests at heart, they say they are your friend, but is everything they profess to be true really what it seems Karma: The Dark World, Hope(less): Karma: The Dark World is a firstperson cinematic psychological thriller set in a dystopian world where the Leviathan Corporation is omnipresent. The time is 1984, the place is East Germany, and things are not quite what they seem. You are Daniel, a Roam Agent for Leviathans Thought Bureau, and you have been brought in to investigate actions that have happened in a very specific moment in time. A moment which opens the mind to a world of espionage and betrayal, littered with deep and dark secrets. Fall into the rabbit hole to see what lurks in the darkest corners of people minds and discove