Combating Tailism and Economism
Socialist Voice: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tik Tok: Article written by Raymond Ó Dubhghaill, originally appearing at: Works Cited: 1. V. I. Lenin, What Is to Be Done The Burning Questions of Our Movement (1902), at 2. V. I. Lenin, A talk with defenders of economism 1901 in Lenin, Collected Works (Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1961), vol. 5, p. 313320, at 3. Nicole Busby and Rebecca Zahn, Womens labour and trade unionism: A dangerous combination (2016), at Videos Used (Fair Dealing for criticism and review, commentary, etc. : George Floyd Dublin Protest uploaded by oprez: The Protests in Minneapolis, Louisville, and Washington DC, VICE News Tonight Full Ep. Uploaded by Vice News: Vladimir Lenin, founder of USSR, Russian revolutionary, documentary footages (HD1080). Uploaded by Владимир Никонов