Niagara Falls Ontario, Canada
The video shows Niagara Falls from the Canadian and American sides, Horseshoe Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, American Falls, frozen Niagara Falls in winter, Niagara River in autumn, viewing platform from the American side, Niagara Falls at night with illumination Winter waterfall. Autumn waterfall. Niagara Falls at night. This video contains the very best videos of Niagara Falls and the Niagara River in Canada. The height of Niagara Falls is 54 meters. They include three main waterfalls: Horseshoe Falls 54 meters high, 792 meters wide; American Falls height 52 meters, width 323 meters; waterfall Bridal Veil Falls height 52 meters. Over 8 million visitors explore Niagara Falls annually. 3000 tons of water flows over Niagara Falls every second. Niagara Falls is located on the border between the US state of New York and the province of Ontario in Canada. Due to severe frosts, Niagara Falls partially freezes in winter. Fully Niagara Falls froze only three times. Este video contiene los mejores vid