F 16 Hits Trees At Ridgeline With after mishap photos
I dubbed out the audio in the first part of the video for the pilots privacy and out of respect. He gave a very good, magnanimous, honest critique of his flight. He did not fully understand the ground warning system (he misunderstood), he also forgot to reset the altitude on the warning system. The fact F16 survived is a testament to General Dynamics. Since this is only a singleengine fighter fact the engine was able to run and run long enough after ingesting parts of the tree to get the plane back safely is a credit to the engine manufacturer. I am not sure which engine aircraft had at the time, General Electric or Pratt Whitney. They are all excellent manufacturers. The consensus is that it was a Pratt Whitney engine. Note: Every time his collision warning came on he was less then 50 feet off the ground, trees are not normally detected as ground, that is part of the reason for the mishap. A lot of trees are higher then 50 feet. Don t be fooled by the funny filler music, I love this plane.