100 DOGS Michael Whaite, Read aloud, storyoftheweek, adjectives
100 DOGS Michael Whaite, Read by Miss Ellis, storyoftheweek, adjectives To get your own copy of 100 Dogs please click on the link: 100 Dogs is a great book written by Michael Whaite read aloud here by Miss Ellis. Shaggy dog, baggy dog, wagwagwaggy dog, dirty dog, squirt dog, watering a tree. Woofy dog, fluffy dog, alwayslookingscruffy dog, bossed dog, lost dog where can he be. .. There are 100 hilarious hounds packed into the pages of this brilliant, barking mad, rhyming read To view a playlist of each story of the week please click on the link below: Thanks for visiting If you want your children to smile and learn, remember to SUBSCRIBE to my channel, Love2Read with Miss Ellis and you will keep updated with all my new videos. (When available, I use affiliate links and may earn a commission. Please note that I only recommend products and books that I have purchased myself and can be sure of their quality and appropriateness).